Bridge CS3 has a very nice feature that makes it easy to make contact sheets of pictures directly to InDesign. This feature was removed as of Bridge CS4 and is sorely missed by many.

If you are still getting pissed trying to find this feature under Tools in Bridge, you should know that there are at least two great options you have.

The first one is found by changing to the Output Workspace in Bridge at the upper right corner of the application window. Cmd + F4, or Window > Output Panel are also ways to reach it.


This will reveal a workspace which will make making contact sheets a breeze. The options available will suit most of your needs and then some more. For those who have been using different workspaces and even making their own customized workspaces in other CS applications will note that this Output workspace of Bridge brings features that are not available in the other workspaces. At least I cannot find any other way to show that Output panel and one is only allowed to move the different panels with in Bridge application window.

Secondly, if you still want to use your own InDesign templates to make contact sheets you can buy a script for $30 from Creadtive Scripting I have not tried it myself but I have seen great reviews online from the InDesign dudes and dudettes.

So, no more Kleenex and start making contact sheets like a pro.