Convert CMYK swatches to Pantone numbers in Illustrator

24.07.2009adobe, design, tutorial 38 Comments

But notice the white triangle that is added to the swatches, which means that the colors are now Global. convertpan07 This results in a new Color Group , where the selected colors are grouped together inside the Swatches panel. convertpan09 Select the Color Group inside the Swatches panel. … The Pantone Swatch Libraries are under Color Books and as an example choose: Pantone solid coated and let go. convertpan12 Now watch the difference we have here: Over the button we just released it says: PANTONE solid coated and in the upper left corner you see that a dot has been added to the white triangle , meaning that we now have changed the Color Group to spot colors, which Pantone colors are . convertpan13 Before you click OK be sure that Recolor Art is checked.