If you desire to read a long article (meaning many words) filled with knowledge (lots of words you may not have known before) about how to manage fonts on the mac. No pictures at all, layout is really … let’s say plain, but it is one of the very best article about the subject of managing fonts on the mac. Ok then, go at read: Font Management in OS X, by Kurt Lang.

I know this is not for everyone, but it’s a must-read for system administrators and people who deal with fixing macs. Still there are some new things that I hope will be dealt with next time Kurt updates the article.

Another good article, available as a pdf is from Extensis, the makers of Suitcase Fusion, Best Practices for Managing Fonts in Mac OS X . This article could and should also be updated too in the light of the latest changes in Snow Leopard font handling, but it is still a great read.

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